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  • Writer's picturePhillip Henderson

Dwellers in the XRealm

Updated: Dec 21, 2017

The following is a list of Realms that exist outside our physical existence, within these Realms there are certain ones who dwell there. This is only a guide and to be used to further your study. It will be a handy tool to start building your understanding of why they are all a part of the X REALM.



Are spirits who did not cross over appropriately. This is not a good situation for souls as they are not incarnated so they don't have access to vital force energy and are not moving onto their next experience. They are stuck and confused. Sometimes it is the living who wont let the souls pass on. Earthbound souls can draw energy from their environment and become independent. Originally, earth bound souls are confused spirits that think they are still alive and needed in the physical realm by people who loved them or need them still around.

They literally do not acknowledge that they are physically dead . Sometimes earth bound souls will stay in the area where they felt comfortable or have an attachment to. A living person or persons who the earth bound soul is connected with will be drained of vital essence as they do not have any for themselves.


Are earth bound spirits that have learned over time to draw energy from their environment instead of drawing energy not just from a family member. It therefore has gained a level of independence. They are not selective about their attachments. They may move about from place to place. They normally stick to one place but if they are strong enough they can move from place to place with ease . Ghosts are the typical hauntings you hear of. They may be drawing energy from public places. They may have a vibrational likeness to a person living near them and then attachment may happen and the ghost may travel with that person .


Are very rare and are attached to a place rather than a person. However, they can greatly affect the people that are inhabiting that place . Poltergeists are ghosts that gained enough power to move energy, materialise, make noises and even move objects. They have a very confusing energy pattern. It will be hard to keep things organised with a poltergeist about. They create chaos. People who are living with these type of experiences know that they are, but will feel a bit crazy. It is best to not have this around you as it is draining on your life essence .


we are constantly creating thought forms. Idle thoughts arise, if we do not continue to send them energy, they will dissipate. However, if we give thoughts energy repeatedly they actually take form in our mental energy body. Thought forms are dependent on our vital force energy but can last for decades if they continuously get fed.


It is a world all to its own that reflects the physical world. In this realm one can manifest energy into physical states of being . The Astral Plane is described as the world in between the physical and Spirit. Like the water in between the opposing shores lines . We hear about the travel that spirits need to do after death, well this Astral Realm seems to be the area that most souls must navigate to get to the Spiritual Realm.

The Astral Plane can have an effect on the Physical plane, especially when accompanied by ritual , intention and a means to do so.


Nature Spirits connected to the Earth in the symbiotic relationship between Astral and Earth.

The subterrain under the earth it is said . is home to the elementals hidden away for there own protection from Humans. Elemental Spirits can reside in places of nature around the Earth. Protectors guardians workers with in nature. Water ,Wood ,Fire Earth& Wind(Void). They can be summoned to reinforce and to look over rituals that we do to achieve effect from a cause. There are different types of Elementals associated with different Elements .


Beings that comes from outside the Earth are called Extraterestrial. There are many different types of Aliens that come to earth. There has been historical events and present events that have been based on military operations regarding Aliens. Most of the Aliens are like the Spirits in that they do not effect your free will and they just observe and watch . But like the Spirit world there are Beings that will take your free will away from you and do things to you . Fear is a massive control agent used against us . Anything that is outside our "normal experience we tend to fear.


Apparently there are 12 dimensions. Each having life or consiousness existing within of some degree.

The Earth experience we live in from day to day is known as 4th Dimensional state. We say 4th as there are 4 ways to measure our interaction and what we experience here.










the 5th Dimension is where our thoughts reside and where energy can be manifest into solid realities and we see the energy more than the physical in all things. Like seeing the matrix of life.

The higher we go up the" Dimensional ladder" the stronger the vibration of light and energy. Beings of a lower nature dimensional experience can not exist in the higher realms as they will not be able to handle the extra energy and intense environment. like sending a high amp threw a less amp fuse .it will burn out. The higher you go up in the Dimensions the less technology is used as its not needed to get things done as thought forms can manifest and there is no time or distance. Its very mysterious and complicated but we are trying to keep things simple and putting things into labels and catagories which can cause the feeling and emotion to be taken out of knowledge but lets keep it simple and direct. Angels from the side of divine work on higher dimensions and determining which level of Angelic status they are, which determines the level they are allowed to dwell and operate in. Carbon Based life forms can not go up past 4th dimension. Sometimes humans will be implanted with some device to assist in the human being to be physically taken to other realities and other dimensions. These implants are connected to the Etheric body the bioenergetic parts of our body that interact with the esoteric sciences and worlds. Using technology can manipulate the body in handling higher dimensions but not for long periods.


Buddhism outlooks on Demons

It may come as a surprise to those who equate Buddhism solely with its intellectual and mystical traditions to learn that demons are a central aspect of its history. In contrast to Western representations of the demonic, the “demons” of Asia are primarily the powerful, ancient spirits of nature, who require recognition and appeasement. Buddhism was more successful than any of the other missionary religions in making peace with the indigenous spirits it confronted in its progress through Asia. Monastics either turned a blind eye to existent demon-deity cults (as in Southeast Asia), allowing them to flourish in tandem with Buddhism, or (as in Tibet) Buddhist miracle workers like Padmasambhava forcefully tamed the demons and turned them into dharma protectors and fierce guardians of the new faith of Buddhism. In fact, we might say that in Buddhist understanding, there really are no such things as “demons.” There are only powers, energies, and deities to be worked with; the skillfulness, compassion, and attainment of the practitioner determine the outcome of the encounter. Those who are found lacking in these attributes have far more to fear from demons than those who, like the Buddha in his triumph over the ultimate demon Māra, have pacified their own inner demons of greed, aversion, and ignorance. Since there is no notion of absolute evil in Buddhism (or indeed in any Asian religion), and all classes of beings, including beings of the lower realms such as demons, animals, and ghosts, may improve their karmic lot by attaining a higher birth in the human or divine realms, demons are not always and forever demons. They are troublesome but not catastrophic. They are obstacles to be overcome through ritual action, offerings of appeasement, and meditative detachment. Nevertheless, in normative Buddhist texts, the suffering of demons in the hell realms is invoked negatively to warn practitioners to be more diligent in their spiritual efforts—in part to avoid rebirth among these unfortunate beings. As representations of natural bounty, mystery, and fertility, demons threaten to exceed and overturn the human order. They must be controlled, and yet they must be respected, since they are an inevitable feature of that oscillating order. Psychologically, demons represent negative states of mind and harmful actions, such as jealousy, hatred, environmental exploitation, and greed. Physically, the demons are given names and personas in scripture so there are teachings and stories about yakshas and rakshasas, who devour people whole and eat human flesh, and khumbhandas, who sustain themselves by consuming a person's spirit.

Inner and Outer Demons

Buddhist sutras teach that there are four types of demons -- three internal demons and a demon of outside influence. The internal demons are afflictions, illnesses and death. The external demons are "heavenly" demons or demons from the spiritual world. Yama, lord of death, is a demon as is Mara, the evil king of demons who directly confronts Buddha. Psychologically, demons represent negative states of mind and harmful actions, such as jealousy, hatred, environmental exploitation, and greed. Physically, the demons are given names and personas in scripture so there are teachings and stories about yakshas and rakshasas, who devour people whole and eat human flesh, and khumbhandas, who sustain themselves by consuming a person's spirit.

Pagan outlook on Demons

I don’t think I’ve ever heard a Pagan of any description speak of being “possessed” – at least not in a negative sense. The only “possession” Pagans usually experience is ritual possession, as in Drawing Down the Moon – and that’s generally a very positive experience. It’s also a temporary experience, presumably because our deities are busy and have better things to do than hang out inside us once they’ve delivered whatever message they wanted to deliver.

This is another one of those times ancient ideas were way different from ours. We think of demons pretty much only as low-level magical evil beings. Pagans did too. But as you'll see ancient culture had several other complicated and contradictory ideas about demons. Back then, demons were a big deal. Even Plato had a theory of demons.

The problem with relation to the concept of evil is that many Pagans believe in a natural order.  Death is not evil, but natural.  Harm is not evil, but merely something to be avoided because it’s bad, and it happens.  It’s an accepted fact that we will all be hurt at some point in our lives–the only unknown is how badly we’ll be hurt.  But that doesn’t necessarily equate to evil.  This part seems to be a matter of degree.  A little pain, a little hurt, all falls within the natural order, but great pain and great harm that goes beyond what one person should in theory be able to accomplish falls under “evil.”

 The concept of evil, to me, doesn’t enter into or come from my beliefs.  The greatest concept of evil that most people either believe in or can understand is the concept of Satan and the Devil.  Many people say that evil comes from Satan.  This understanding of evil comes from the religious beliefs of that person and tends to mean that what is evil is unnatural, created by the Devil, sinful, and/or morally reprehensible.  This idea is directly related to the spirituality in the fact that believers have a model held in front of them saying that if X, Y, or Z is done, then you can’t get into Heaven or be a good person or be a moral person, etc.

Pagans don’t have that.  We believe that everything has its natural place, and you can do pretty much whatever you want to if you’re willing to accept the legal, moral, and/or karmic consequences of the action.  Doesn’t mean the community will like you, or condone what you do if it’s found you are actually causing harm, or tell you you’re wrong.  It just means that spiritually, from a faith standpoint, there is nothing in the belief system that says what action is wrong or evil and what action is not.  From a moral standpoint, I think most of us would agree that murder is wrong.  But from a spiritual standpoint and a Pagan worldview, murder is acceptable if you, the perpetrator, are willing to accept the consequences of your actions knowing that this carries heavy karmic implications (if you believe in karma) and heavy legal and moral implications.

Christian outlook on Demons

Spirit being who is unclean and immoral in nature and activities. When demons were created, how they came to be demonic, and their organizational structure are not given significant attention in Scripture because the focus throughout the Bible is on God and his work in Christ rather than on the demonic attempts to demean that work.

The Old Testament. References to demons in the Old Testament are relatively scarce. Their existence is never proven; it is simply assumed. The Old Testament focus is not on demons and their schemes but on God and his sovereignty. Demons are not depicted as free, independent agents, but operate under God's direct control. Though they are not revealed as the malicious beings seen in the New Testament, there are still definitive commands for God's people to avoid them. The Old Testament word for demons (sed [dev]) appears only twice. They are "gods they had not known, gods that recently appeared, gods your fathers did not fear" ( Deut 32:17 ), and Israel is condemned by God for sacrificing to them ( Psalm 106:37 ). They are also called evil spirits sent from God. After Abimelech treacherously killed Gideon's sons, God sent an evil spirit that divided him from the citizens of Shechem ( Judges 9:23-24 ). God also sent an evil spirit to torment Saul. David's attempts to calm Saul by playing the harp ( 1 Sam 16:15-16 ) are unsuccessful, as Saul, provoked by the spirit, tries to kill David ( 1 Sam 16:14-23 ;18:10-11 ; 19:9-10 ). A spirit from God's counsel volunteers to be a lying spirit in the mouths of Ahab's prophets ( 1 Kings 22:19-23 ; 2 Chron 18:18-22 ). The medium from Endor sees "gods" or "spirits" coming up from the ground ( 1 Sam 28:13 ). An angel is delayed twenty-one days in bringing an answer to Daniel's prayer by a prince of Persia, giving an indication of some organizational structure or ranking among demons ( Dan 10:13 ). This also gives us one of the few glimpses behind the curtains of history into engagements between demons and angels. Other possible Old Testament references to demons include goat idols ( Lev 17:7 ; 2 Chron 11:15 ; Isa 13:21 ; 34:14 ), night creatures ( Isa 34:14 ), and idols (LXX of Psalm 96:5 ).


Angels are Beings of Light from the 7th dimension and higher. The angelic realms come from the heart of the Divine and do not have free will as we do. Their will is the divine will.

We cannot usually see or hear them because they vibrate at a frequency that is beyond our visual and auditory range. Certain people can connect with them because they are psychic and can tune into the angelic waveband. Others have to learn to do this.

Guardian Angels

The angels of the 7th dimension are your Guardian Angels and others who help humans. Every single person has a Guardian Angel who protects and looks after them. Your Guardian Angel keeps the divine blueprint for your life, which you agreed before you were born, and they whispers guidance to you to keep you on your chosen spiritual path. Usually we think the whispered guidance of angels is our own inspired thoughts or bright ideas!

If your soul has agreed that you need an experience illness or accident for your spiritual growth or even if it is time for you to pass over, your Guardian Angel must step aside. No one can contravene the free will of your soul. However, if this is not the case, your Guardian Angel will step in and help you. Remember to say ‘Thank you’.

Your Guardian Angel and Guides also arrange for you to meet the people you are meant to meet, such as a partner or good friend – even an enemy who challenges and strengthens you. Your Guardian Angel organises all co-incidences and synchronicities.

The spiritual law is ‘ask and you shall receive’. Your angel is always listening and if you ask for help (and it is for the highest good) they will assist you. Angels must wait until you ask because you have free will.

Your angels will help you to be safe, to find a parking space, to reach your destination at the correct time, to find something, to heal a relationship and many other things.

Your Guardian Angel is always by your side if you need them. They may leave you for a few moments if they are on a mission for you. For example, they may flash off to fetch some pure energy for you from a waterfall or the moon. They may go to speak to another Guardian Angel on your behalf to bring about a better relationship.

Your Guardian Angel loves you and nothing can stop them from loving you whatever you do.

The Nine Choirs of Angels

The nine choirs of angels are divided into three tiers or hierarchies: the tier are those who are closest to the Divine and who see and adore the Divine directly: the second tier are those who fulfill the Divines plan for the universe: and the third tier who are directly involved in human affairs.

First Tier

Seraphim: Angels of love, the name means fiery or burning ones. They have six wings, the same as the days of creation. Most are involved in singing- this is not just to praise the Divine but to keep the vibrations of love and light eternally flowing through the universe.

Cherubim: Angels of harmony, the name means full of knowledge. They are the mighty and majestic keepers of the Celestial Records, and are the first angels mentioned in the Bible as the guardians of the Garden of Eden. They represent the Wisdom of the Divine and their task is to make sure the Universal Laws are kept.

Thrones: Angels of Justice who see the divine justice is done in all situations. They are peacemakers who dispense the justice and power of the Divine, the Angelic Court in charge of the Cosmos.

Second Tier

Dominions: Angels of Wisdom through whom the majesty of the Divine is manifested. They are responsible for the governing of angelic duties an all the spiritual and physical worlds and to ensure that everything in the universe moves in accordance with the universal laws. The law of perfect cause and effect flows through them into the universe.

Virtues: Angels of Movement who work miracles on earth and look after the heroes of the world and those who champion good. They are also Angels of Choice.

Powers: Spirits of form who provide the universe with its physical form. Their task is to look after the Divine Plan and are guardians of the passageways leading to Heaven. They record the history of Mankind, helping to bring balance to the Earth, and are guides for lost souls.

Third Tier

Principalities: Angels of Personality and Time who look after planet Earth, and who are Guardian Angels for her countries and cities. They influence humans through the ideas and circumstances they create.

Archangels: Angels of fire who carry the Divines most decrees to humans, Gabriel’s annunciation to Mary and his dictation of the Koran to Mohammed. They are the angels mentioned most in the Bible, although only four are named, Raphael, Gabriel, Michael, Uriel. Four are also mentioned in the Koran, Gabriel, Michael, Azrael and Israfel. There are thought to be seven Great Archangels and the Book of Revelation describes seven standing before the Divine. Learn more about the 15 Archangels including their colors and associated crystals/gemstones.

Angels: Spirits of Nature whose name means messenger. They are the ones who work most closely with humans and are linked between the Divine and Humanity. Angels are the experts we call on for help in particular situations, from the devas who look after the natural world and can help us in the garden, to angels of healing who help us when we are feeling unwell and all areas in between, and of course there are our Guardian Angels whose special task is to look after us and keep us safe.

In the past it is certain that Malevolent spirits have disguised themselves up as Divine messengers to get a message across or to trick humans into doing something for them. .


Among the indigneous tribes around the world they talk of having the help from there ancestors. These are past relatives or past brothers and sisters of the tribe . It doesnt need to be a blood relative to be a ancestor of someone or the tribe.

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