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  • Writer's picturePhillip Henderson

How do you show that the paranormal is real?

Updated: Aug 4, 2019

In todays modern era of technology there is ways to measure and indicate that something from the X Realm is present . But they can not be relied apon solely as proof of something of a paranormal phenomena has occured. But it is a great time in our awareness of technology and how we can use these devices in learning and experiencing esoterical sciences.

Some new ways of measuring X Realm activity are:

Digital Dowsing

Electric Dowsing

Filming with different filtered cameras

Nuclear Research

More ancient ways of measuring and detecting X Realm activity are very useful as basically no electricity is needed but still people will criticise them as they could be psychosomatic.

People have made physical manifestations on cue to show that there is such a realm and to show there power, but still people dont believe. Thats ok as people need to have there own experience to be a advocate of the subject. And thats the nature of the X Realm . Its a private acknowledgement of something beyond our normal experience . We can not expect to hold and have all the answers . There needs to be mystery and areas of the unknown and even un attainable, for we as humans are restricted in our experience and awareness here as carbon based life formsin flesh movedand made by spirit.

The military have used the X Realm world for many years in determining the outcome in a certain project, that they have to do . Or they have used the X Realm in reinforcing that there project takes the path they desire. Kings, Queens, Emperors and Demi Gods all use the X Realm . Their was a study in Cambridge University regarding the science of the paranormal and trying to duplicate results and finding proof. This study went on for a long time. They got amazing results but normally such results are hidden from the public and used for political or military gain and use.

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