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  • Writer's picturePhillip Henderson

Safe guarding yourself

Updated: Aug 4, 2019

To safe guard yourself is not being fearful. Instead see it as taking precautionary measures to keep you from harms way and negative influence. This is a form of risk management.

Buddha calmly told the monster that the greatest wealth is confidence, the sweetest taste is truth, and moral behavior, real courage and generosity would ease the grief of loss and death

'The X Realm can be dangerous. Humans have an inner light that can be seen in other realms. Let us call this inner light the "Divine Spark",

Some beings that exist in the X Realm (please refer to the blog called" What is the X Realm" to understand this term) have no inner light because they exist by draining the essence from other external sources. Humans need external sources to live such as food, drink and air but this is a physical requirement for the body but not necessarily for the spirit.

The inner light of humans should be seen as sacred and treated with respect. It should be safe guarded from outer forces. The negative entities aim at draining people of inner light so they may feel more powerful and "alive" in themselves.

This "Divine Spark" can be drained in many ways.

It is very wise to safe guard and keep our "Divine Light" protected and acknowledged. It is a real phenomena, seen within our bio energetic body that is our aura.

There have been humans that have turned way from the spiritual experiences

of life and love. They become so physically based that they care not for others and only for there self gain to reach ultimate power and control. They will do anything to keep this power. This is based on fear of losing. This greed and hunger is self destructive. In rare cases the person can become an evil human being by their actions of keeping this power and control over others. They will become more of service to the Demonic. Such beings only get enjoyment with sharing their pain and dragging down others to share their world of torment and misery. Serving a hierarchy of Demons that wish for acknowledgment for promoted status . This is a very heavy subject but one that needs to be understood to why we need to protect ourselves from attack on us, in some cases our actions can effect the loved ones around us and even our physical home and surrounding areas.

Ultimately, we should GIVE and RETURN. For example, you pay for the lodging where you live, you "give" the monies to the landlord and in "return" you should have a safe and reliable shelter to call home. Another example is to "give" the trees carbon dioxide on our exhale and in "return" the tree provides us with oxygen. This philosophy is being mentioned here so that when you are seeking to be GIVEN an experience or answer, what are you going to RETURN to the Source that gave it to you. The best thing you can 'Return' from being 'Given' is to show RESPECT and being true to your word.

A lot of negative influence upon the seeker comes from challenging and disrespecting of the space where the entity is . Some Energies you may feel the need to challenge directly, especially if its causing a bad influence and harming to loved ones and yourself . To Give and Return makes the relationship sustainable and both can thrive with each other being equal ,with no competition within this relationship.

OK so in knowing that we have this "Divine Light" and that it is seeked out by some beings, that exist outside the physical realm of our living. Lets us now look at how we can protect our selves from our Light being food, for hungry trickster entities that endevour to eat it up from us.

It is actually quiet simple how to do this and thats the keys here keep it simple.

There is a old Irish saying of occult studies,


Salt of the Earth>

Salt carried on your person and even in salt sachets in your hat can protect you to some degree from entities that wish to do something in your body. Salt has a grounding effect and a neutralizing quality, that puts objects or areas back into there default energy before they were influenced by another energy. Salt is great to ground crystals ,stones ,old wares that have a unknown history.

Wear a amulet>

That you have made for yourself or that you have bought that is made for protection. Put prayers that say with the thought patterns of protection from evil and negative energies into this amulet.

Words sent with intention projected into a object that you wear imprints the amulet with your energies that you project and the energies from who you ask to assist you.

The Amulet can be a necklace or a bracelet a rock a crystal and in some cultures use tattoos as amulets of protection. You need to wear it to have influence into your energetic body the aura the Divine sparks gets influenced by what you individually place on yourself. As its personal and you acknowledge a outside belief of a higher consciousness and use your higher self to make a object of protection this will protect you from certain dwellers in the X Realm.


Many countries acknowledge the cleaning of the air ,body and spirit by using Sage. Sage has been found to destroy bacteria and some viruses that's air

born and harmful. Smoke from the sage is needed to clean the air ,waving it back and forth or blowing on it or fanning it with feathers,sends the smoke in areas that are believed to be or could be a place of refuge or comfort by negative energies or other. You can mix it with your food to assist in any attachments that you might have picked up from going somewhere with these negative influences there.

Bay Leaves

Very powerful and ones hould have bay leaves present when doing ritual and empowerment ceremonies. Used around the world for healing,conjuring , for its oil, for protection and for it making the space around higher vibration

Power in Numbers

The more people you have upon a common cause and aim ,all focused on making a effect. ,this has a serial parallel ports like circuitry. Such focus is not only used within the X Realm,look at power in numbers with sports .. A team works towards a common outcome to make a result of success . The roar and energy from the crowd drives the team into winning achieving the effect provoked by the cause.


Is a powerful plant to use in protecting yourself and others. It is said that Tobacco can shield us from the malevalent dwellers from the X Realm. When Tobacco is shared in a group it has a bonding effect strengthening group in a common goal.

Past Loved Ones.

If you call apon your passed loved ones they can protect you and give you guidance when you need it. Even wearing something they gave you and ask for there assistance while connecting with the trigger item that has been imprinted with there energy.


The Title of Christ is Blessed and has defeated Evil in many test and trials that Prophets in the past had gone threw . Gone but not forgotten . The only thing Evil cant do is directly take your life. All else goes! in testing of the individuals Faith,Desires,Fears and Regrets.. Individually the name of Jesus Christ the Nazareen and Prayers backed up with full focus upon the Holy Spirit and the Father ,activates a response from Angelic Realm and Guides to respond ,to intervene on a act from Evil that is totally against free will ! But if a physical being is possessed by Evil and attacking you or others. You need to deal with the Physical first then the Spirit. as its a real physical threat back up with capability and drive , dont just stand there and get hit!

A rush of frequencies that caused the area to be charged by the Divinity the Holy Spirit neutralizing effect that sweeps away the negative energies,we stir things up.

Certain lower resistance handling entites can not exist when the vibration is increased to Divinity level. Like having the amps increased into lower amp fuses they will burn out.

So the Christ energy OF SELF MASERY is very effective when dealing with Evil Demonic Forces and Poltergeist to Earth Bound Spirits BUT< if thy Sin again thy will come back 3 fold.

Basically "The Christ Consciousness" is mastering of oneself.When we call apon Jesus Christ we are callng apon the divine within us. It is the power of me that comes to the place right here right now is within all of us. It is about knowing . .

Christ Consciousness the Tao

Christ is a term of reaching a enlightened beyond suffering beyond flesh attachment to feel this Earth ,Its a state where Spirit drives the body and there is unusual phenomena witness in such a presence of paranormal that take place and some would call them Miracles. . To wear a halo a crown of Spirit a very bright Divine Spark it is said would be seen by some emanating from there brow.

The Buddha is Enlightened and so can us all. The Christ Consciousness is all about perfection of Spirits Body and Mind.

It is not political and should not be used to enforce dogma onto anyone. If the Christ consciousness the Tao is used for such a means it is not of the True Path Consciousness

Many cultures have the same objective to cultivate a Spiritual life. They may use another name but lets basically call this the Christ Consciousness . Egyptians all aimed at perfection , the Taoist aimed at perfection , the Druids aimed at perfection. So anything that is Evil will stop you from being your TOTALITY and being the perfect being you can be, to be a being of Compassion Sincerity Virtue and Ethical values to benefit humanity

Your Higher Self

You have a connection to all realms threw your higher self. You have Spiritual Guides that over see your life path and assist you with many facets of you living a joyful productive life. When you hear a soft voice guiding you ,this can be seen as your Higher Self guiding you. The more you dont listen to your Higher Self and ignore your guides and become less and less self conscious of your decisions and may be fueled by desire and addictions and guild and fear. You can be so disconnected from your Higher Self that the Lower Self takes over. The lower self can be spoken about saying the" Ego of the Mind". The Ego Mind is a part of our experience that makes us greedy ,jealous wanting to please to be given a feeling of worth, to manipulate to make our selves have fame,power that has control over others.. It is the Ego Mind that reflects your motive and method of anything y ou do with action and thinking. It is good to have a balance relationship with both and be aware the one that will be stronger is the one you feed most.

It is the Higher Self that you use to imprint your Amulets and object with power to protect you ,or to bring you good luck,or to bring you guidance wisdom etc. It may be driven sometimes by your lower self for these but its the higher self that brings such energies with assistance from your Spiritual Guides. Same as with protecting your home from negative energies we call upon our higher self to interact with Higher Beings or Deities to do so for us . Once again this is where the Give and Return come into action. If you are given protection what do you wish to Return for this. Well? Appreciative and Respect and blessing the powers that protect you is a great way to have the universal balance of GIVE and RETURN working for you.

Potions of Protection

Mix Salt into a atomimizer with water, place rosemary and sage in it. Let it soak and sit . When you have a Crystal you have programmed it for protection or may have bought one for protection put it in the bottle but it must be a small one to fit threw the top of atomimizer spray bottle. A rock is fine as well that is of protection. The idea is to create a refreshing spray when you need it . This can be sprayed over shoulders onto face onto legs all

over when you are leaving or during paranormal investigations. The water will refresh you when sprayed on face. It is surprising how quickly we feel revitalized just after wetting our face. The spray can be done on areas aswell that you may feel need grounding and temporary protection from or to make a area personally for you to work in. Change the spray to jet and make a circle around you with the potion within. It is advisable as that you say some words to the potion they can be prayers ,mantras ,you can sing,just make it more personalized By all means you can mix what ever you feel is right. But universally salt and sage is very powerful in grounding and cleaning areas near you from negative influences some people even soak garlic in it.

Symbols of Protection

Symbols can be drawn on anything

The Pentagram

is the most popular symbol of protection used. This Symbol is to reinforce and amplifies power to recieve what you seek and wish for and amplifies power. The five point represent each of the 5 elements . It is used to seal a Spell ,

The Cross

is a symbol of freedom and protection, it is used similar to the Pentagram. the Cross represents the 4 cardinal points.

The Circle

normally borders around another symbol or it is used to protect what inside or a area of making a portal of intent and attentions focused in that area and reinforce the area with another symbol

The Star of David

This is a symbol of showing balance in the masculine and feminine energies.

Crystal and Rocks for Protection

Black Tourmaline

Clear Quartz

Rose Quartz

Black Obsidian


Jet Stone

Tektites and Moldavites


You can imprint your intent into any object to be programmed and used to protect you. You can do this with any intention into any object actually, but crystals amplify naturally and rocks can be imprinted with energies and with them both being in partnership this can create a tool of strong presence and be activated when required.

Gaurdians of the land

The 5 Elements

Dirt from the earth to give a cradle to manifest


To purify or make anew to transform states.


to cut all influences that will not assist in making your intention


To clean to bring nourishment to fuel the essence of healing and power.


to pierce threw any obstacle.


The Demonic Realm has very powerful influence over Earth the Astral and Elemental Plane. It is never guarenteed on any level that you are protected and free from its influence ,(FOR IT RESIDES WITH IN OUR SELF DOUBTAND LIES WITHIN OUR FEARS). It is wise to know yourself and be able to see if you are acting different when investigating the X Realm . A Evil influence gives false securities and in time you will feel separate from everyone else . You will feel like no one can understand you or everyone is against you. You will separate from loved ones and ultimately feel like you are not needed here on Earth anymore and feel hopelessness. Demonic possession is self destructive and aimed at taking your body and spirit and your soul .So you may take your own life due to being so lonely or through guilt of your actions done whilst under possession.

If you are feeling this you may not be possessed by Evil(this is very rare). you may be influenced by a Earth Bound Spirit that's nasty and deceptive but not of the Demonic Realm .

If you find yourself or others after going to a known area of paranormal activity to be acting very different compared to how they were before going to a certain place, it is advisble to monitor that person with a group of concerned friends. Be of assistance to the person. and you may have to have a intervention. THIS IS NO JOKE. Evil is very real and its best trick it has ,is to make people think that it does not exist. Contact us immediately. We can refer you to someone who can assist.

Energetic Starvation upon the needs of that Demon will turn it away but sometimes the Demon will want to reclaim that person to be theres threw revenge and to prove that Evil always wins.

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